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Configure CMS (pages or block) entries via XML and define how them should be deployed.
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In this example, the skip-condition for import steps is customized to identify specific files for each import step
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Example implementation for workshop/magento-code-design
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Example implementation for workshop/magento-code-design
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This example demonstrates
how to overwrite an existing step how to manipulate arguments of an existing pipelineUpdated -
This example demonstrates
how to register a custom order export format how to add it to the dropdown selection in Order Workflow configurationUpdated -
This example demonstrates
how to create a new import pipeline how to extend file resolver to observer import directory how to create virtual conditions how to add system configurations and default settingsUpdated -
This example module demonstrates how to add new steps to an existing pipeline and how to manage the parallel or sequential execution of them.
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This example shows how to change the transformation executor for catalog import. It provides an example implementation for a CSV based data mapper.